The management of AgLeaseCo enjoys the support of its board and its shareholders with all parties joining together to help increase the production of foodstuffs in Zambia. As many farmers are either still unable to afford the repayments on a finance lease or are still not quite ready to make the commitment, AgLeaseCo’s management has decided to offer agricultural services, specifically land preparation, initially in a test area of Mpongwe, to small-scale farmers recommended by their Chiefs and Chieftainesses. AgLeaseCo will purchase tractors and implements from local suppliers and identify and train local operators so that the services being provided are of the highest quality and at a fair market price. AgLeaseCo’s business model is beginning to produce positive results in Zambia. The model can be replicated and adapted to work in other countries. The shareholders are already considering a business plan for the next country to welcome AgLeaseCo.