AgLeaseCo is now offering its financial services to farmers in every chiefdom, district and Province of Zambia (a country which has a land mass twice the size of Germany). The Company has grown steadily since its incorporation, taking time to spread the word of the benefits of using financial leasing to access productive agricultural equipment. The field team has visited every Chief and Chieftainess to ensure their support for AgLeaseCo’s objective of bringing increased productivity to the farms in their Chiefdoms. AgLeaseCo has entered into co-operation agreements with the key local franchised equipment suppliers to ensure their support before and after any equipment is delivered to farmers who have been approved for a finance lease. The company has created special financing schemes for not only four-wheel tractors but also for irrigation equipment, cultivation implements, planters and sprayers. In late 2019 AgLeaseCo focussed its mechanisation efforts on women farmers who were using draft power or even manual labour to work their land and launched a special scheme for financing two-wheel tractors which has been partly responsible for women farmers forming more than one third of AgLeaseCo’s total portfolio. In 2020 the company responded to a plea from Zambia’s Ministries of Economy and Agriculture to increase the domestic production in the secondary agricultural sector by offering finance leasing to the small-scale agro processors to enable them to access equipment such as oil mills, maize shellers and dehullers. The company is an equal opportunities employer and more than half of the field team is able to count AgLeaseCo as their first employer after graduation.